Cubase 4 mastering
Cubase 4 mastering


This allows you to change the volume of a section. This includes level/pan meters which not only show what your peak levels are, but the average loudness as well.Ģ1. Included is the ability to freeze all your meters on a particular part of a song to examine it more closely. Wavelab offers 7 different meters to examine your music. You can add markers anywhere and label them.Ģ0. Playback browser restarts playback repeatedly when you click or dram to move the wave curser.ġ9. You can change the speed of the song without changing the pitch.ġ8. This area includes artist, engineer, title, and commentsġ7. File attributes: The information you enter here is added to the header of the file. Original Sound Quality: Save your file in a lossless audio compression format, which can reduce the audio file size without affect the audio quality.ġ6. Converting from mono to stereo or stereo to mono.ġ5. Zero crossing helps prevent transient bumps when you cut and paste two waves togetherġ3. Loudness Envelope: Shows you how much compression or expansion the song has.ġ1. In the master section, the wheel can be used to adjuster the master volume.ĩ. If you hold down Ctrl and point at a waveform the wheel zoom the view horizontally. Mouse scrolling: If you point at a waveform the wheel scrolls the view horizontally. Audio Database is convenient way of storing and organizing audio files in librariesħ. Under Tools is a Tracer application: Gives info to tech support if you have a problem with Waves.ĥ.


Crystal Resampler plug in: a professional sample rate converter providing exceptional transparency and preservation of the frequency content. DIRAC engine: perhaps the highest quality algorithm for Time stretch/Pitch shiftĢ.


Besides using the Wavelab 5 demo, I have been going through the manual of Wavelab 6 and wanted to share some things that stood out for me.ġ. The truth is I don't, however I am confident to say (as many of you as well) that mastering in Wavelab can give lot better results. A couple of months ago, I was not convinced I needed Wavelab to master my music. Well I have Cubase SX 3, and have been mastering songs with the template that Cubase gives for mastering. I use both SX and Wavelab, but the voxengo stuff works great in both. If you can deal with the Steiny mindset, check it out sometime. Wavelab is a fine mastering program, with nice metering, anaylsis tools, the useful MONTAGE feature. Better yet, get the whole mastering bundle. It's also a great visual so see where, and if, you got carried away in any freq ranges. (yes, it's unfortunate, but it is necessary sometimes, for me anyway) Because you can fix your room anomalies in mixing by averaging(compressing) only the frequency ranges that need it, in mastering. Soniformer is great for when you have to master on the same monitors/room you mixed on. is well known as a great maximizer, enough said. I 'd recomend Voxengo Elephant and Soniformer bundle as two really useful VST mastering plugs. How effectively depends on the tools you have, and ears, monitors, room and all that semi-important stuff.

Cubase 4 mastering